Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mike's Mug Awarded!

Mike's mug presentation to winner Mike Chevalier by stand-in for last year's winner Ron Berlet, Don Wismer.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Chris Poole Bikes for Cancer Research

Am doing the 220 kilometer Ride to Conquer Cancer June 19-20. Will cycle over two days from YVR to Seattle as a cancer survivor and in memory of those not so fortunate.

I don't know if you feel it is appropriate but my Personal Page if you or any of the pubsters would like to support me is:

Witn both cheques and computer contributions, have raised close to $4200 from friends and colleagues so far - trying to make $5,000. Every $50 helps.

Am going to do the ride only this year so wil not be asking again for contributions! All of the contributions go to cancer research. My best regards to "New Edinburgh" colleagues. Chris